Our Objectives

The TLA Scale Up Group aims to support scale ups in our tech ecosystem to overcome barriers they face when growing their businesses.  The events will focus on practical tips and valuable networking.  The working group has identified the following themes for 2020:

  • Rapid Growth – sharing tips and challenges for companies experiencing rapid growth;
  • Access to Customers and Corporates
  • Access to Finance
  • Access to talent


The TLA scale up group will build on the success of the event they hosted at Tech Nation at the end of January when they delivered an event on the topic of rapid growth.  They will soon be sharing details of their next event – most likely a virtual event to support scale ups during Covid-19.

in Group



The Scale Up Working Group is co-Chaired by Janet Coyle (Managing Director Business at London & Partners) and James Klein (Partner and head of the London corporate team at Shoosmiths).


There is an active and engaged working group in addition to Janet and James comprising:

  • Parveen Dhanda, Tech Nation
  • Jessica Berkeley, Shoosmiths
  • Drake Gearheart, Accelerate Agility
  • Andrew Ford, Founder Customergig

Do get in touch if you are a leading a scale up company and would welcome support or if you have experience or a service that could help a scale up.