The best way to increase representation is to get on stage. Let your message be heard by the whole audience so you can make a bigger impact. You can use the power of public speaking to influence decision-making, build networks and empower others. It is a big misconception that a good speech begins with a born great speaker – Want us to prove it to you? This May, these three world-class speakers will share their expertise on how you too can elevate your career through the power of public speaking.
About Our Monthly Events
TLA Black Women in Tech hosts monthly events to bring together business professionals, and entrepreneurs and companies. The networking event is a great opportunity to meet other like-minded technology and digital businesses/individuals.
Please save those dates. Our events, virtual or in-house, are on the 2nd Thursday of the month from 18:00 to 20:00. Within our amazing community, we are fortunate to have many professionals willing to speak or host the events.
From 2021, our events will be featured around these 3 pillars, ensuring the subjects are relevant to tech entrepreneurs, tech companies and professionals in tech.